*LOCAL DELIVERY OR COLLECTION ONLY These meaty, raw beef and chicken dog food nuggets are a super delicious, complete and nutritionally balanced raw meal for dogs. Chicken & beef dog food raw nuggets are made with quality, raw natural ingredients you can see, understand and trust. Your dog will love them and you will love the convenience of Natures Menu Complete & Balanced 60/40 nuggets. All you have to do is pour, thaw and serve and you will be on your way to happy digestion and super shiny coat for your furry friend. This recipe of chicken beef dog food is mixed with a nutrient rich blend of vegetables, brown rice, vitamins and minerals, to give your dog everything they need in a complete and balanced meal. Brown rice can provide a readily available source of fuel for sporting or strenuous activity.
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken Heart, Liver, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken Heart, Liver, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Lamb, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Lamb, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg