*LOCAL DELIVERY OR COLLECTION ONLY Meaty raw nuggets made with cuts of lamb with chicken and salmon. A super tasty complete and nutritionally balanced raw meal for dogs. Lamb and salmon dog food with chicken is freshly frozen, so you can give your dog a delicious, mess-free, complete and balanced meal. Lamb nuggets for dogs provide a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids and plenty of the required vitamins and minerals.Combined with parboiled brown rice, a non-starchy carbohydrate, for an easy to digest source of minerals and vitamin B. Rice can be a great component in the diet of dogs who are overly hungry or who need that extra bit of fuel on particularly active days.
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken Heart, Liver, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken Heart, Liver, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Tripe, Chicken, Salmon, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg
Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Beef, Chicken, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg £5.49 Natures Menu 60/40 Complete & Balanced Beef, Chicken, Brown Rice & Veg 1kg