


Megazorb is a highly absorbent animal and horse bedding that is manufactured from virgin wood pulp, a by-product of the paper making industry.100% Natural Virgin Wood Pulp FibreSuper absorbentIdeal for rubber matsTwice dust extracted, ideal for horses with respiratory problemsAbsorbs stable odoursCost effective bedding choiceMegazorb Original Bedding is also a popular bedding choice for small animal owners. Megazorb is safe for rabbits, guinea pigs and a wide range of other small pets.Biodegradable and super absorbent, when used in the stable, this product will drastically reduce the time and cost of mucking out and the size of the muck heap. Plus it’s easy on the environment too.The wood pulp is high temperature dried to kill any mould or spores then dust extracted twice, making it the ideal choice for horses with respiratory problems.


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