Biscuits & Crackers


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Welcome to Lily’s Larder

We’re committed to helping local people to connect with some of the UK’s favourite independent larder suppliers. Lily’s Larder is a hub for exploring refreshing new food and drink experiences that make the everyday that bit more exciting. Each of our products has been carefully handpicked just for you, to bring the best larder produce the UK has to offer. Inside Lily’s Larder, shop from a vast and varied selection of the finest seasonal ingredients, award-winning produce and authentic flavours.

Independent food and drink brands

From farm shop favourites sourced from Hampshire farms and local producers near you, to lovingly crafted flavourful treats made from time-honoured, traditional recipes passed from generation to generation, discover some of the UK's best independent food and drinks brands and products right on your doorstep.

Farm shop favourites

We’re here for every kind of foodie occasion. Stock up your home larder with quality home baking essentials and wholefood ingredients, choose something extra special that is sure to give meal times an added kick of feel-good flavour or treat a fellow foodie with the perfect artisan gift hamper.

Shop from your local larder

Supporting UK independent food producers has never been so easy. Pop into your local community pantry in Botley, Southampton, or enjoy the perks of having local larder goodness delivered to your door.